In 2006 the penalties for the Computer Misuse Act got increased by the Police and Justice Act. Each of the offences get categorised as sections 1, 2 and 3 when prosecuting someone. The maximum penalty for the section 1 offence is two years imprisonment and a fine. Designed for a section 2 offence, the maximum penalty is 5 years imprisonment and a fine. In place of a section 3 offence, the maximum penalty is 10 years' imprisonment and a fine.
Robert Schifreen and Stephen Gold
Stephen Gold and Robert Schifreen are famously known for being the people that hacked into the British Telecom Prestel computer system and gained admission to Prince Philip’s message box. Authorities charged both Gold and Schifreen with forgery and fraud, but the House of Lords cleared them in 1988. Gold and Schifreen did not use any of the data in a malicious way, they gained nothing from hacking the system, however, they both did commit an illegal act as they abused someone’s privacy.
Firewalls and Antivirus Software
A firewall can stop other people from hacking into your computer. A firewall is a commonly known program which filters data coming in through the Internet to a computer or network. The firewall programme stops people hacking into your system, getting control of your computer and using your device as a multitude to access or run programs. It is very important that if you own a computer or laptop to install anti-virus software programmes so that your machine is protected from electronic infections such as: virus’, e-mail virus’, worm and Trojan horse. The most popular types of anti-virus software are, MacAfee, Norton Security, Kaspersky antivirus and Kingsoft Antivirus.
Advantages of the Computer Misuse Act
-Protects computer owners if their system is compromised and used for misconduct.
-The act also holds hackers responsible for their actions.
-It means that paedophiles are held accountable for the content that is found on the computer during an investigation.
-Ensures your private accounts are being protected.
Disadvantages of the Computer Misuse Act
-A law shouldn’t have had to be made to stop people hacking into other peoples computers. -It’s expensive to install anti-virus software.
-There is always going to be people that carry on hacking and are clever enough not to get found out.
-The penalties for hacking are the same for someone that has got a charge for GBH (grievous bodily harm) or being caught in the possession of drugs etc.
-It is easy for a hacker to delete any history they have on their computer; this could make it difficult to prosecute criminals sometimes.
Personal Experience
I think that the Computer Misuse Act is a good law to have because it helps to protect people’s data. In the past I haven’t installed antivirus software and my computer has been riddled with viruses, luckily I managed to get it fixed and I then downloaded MacAfee antivirus software; since then I haven’t had any problems with viruses or email viruses on my computer. When my mum had her AOL email account it got hacked by someone who was deleting her messages etc therefore she had to delete her account and ever since she has been really careful about who she gives her address to when giving it out online.
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